David in HR news – been ghosted?

Research conducted shortly prior to Covid-19 suggested that that four-fifths (84%) of UK employers had experienced a candidate ‘ghosting’ them at some point during the recruitment process.

The term ‘ghosting’ – which was traditionally used to describe the practice of serial daters trying to terminate a conversation or relationship without an explanation – has moved into the recruitment world, leaving some employers in the lurch.

Candidates or new employees failing to turn up, either to an interview or to work, can cost employers between £2,000 and £5,000, according to a third of surveyed employers (31%).

The ways in which candidates had ghosted recruiters and employers vary. The survey found that 62% had tried to contact applicants two or three times after they had gone silent and heard nothing, while 62% observed a no-show on the new recruits’ first day of work.

According to 52% of respondents, employees have ghosted their employers by simply not turning up for their shift and failing to provide any resignation note or explanation as to their absence.

‘Ghosting’ in recruitment world was getting out of control shortly before Covid-19 so it be interesting to see if this continues or even increases in sectors unaffected by covid and whether it reduces or even stops in sectors where there are far fewer jobs.  In sectors where ghosting continues to be an issue while there is no legal protection against ghosting, employers can attempt to limit risk by taking steps to screen candidates more thoroughly throughout the process, keep in touch with them frequently between interviews, and use candidates’ stated preferred method of contact, such as WhatsApp rather than email.

Read the original article at Executive Grapevine.

Or read the article in HR news.

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Posted on Wednesday 29th July 2020

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