If you think that you have been discriminated against due to your pregnancy or maternity leave, then you need to seek advice from a trained legal professional. David specialises in supporting employees who are being discriminated against due to their pregnancy or maternity leave and 27 years of experience in the field of employment law. This means that he is well-placed to deal robustly with offending employers in matters of pregnancy and maternity discrimination.

But what is considered discrimination against employees or senior executives that are pregnant, due to go on maternity leave?

Discrimination against an employee who is pregnant or seeking maternity leave is any action that is unfairly negative towards them as a result of their pregnancy. Pregnant and maternity leave employees are given ‘gold plated’ protection in law . If these legal protections are violated you may have a legal claim against your employer. 

Find out if you have been discriminated against due to pregnancy or maternity reasons with David Greenhalgh, a top-ranked and listed Leading Individual in the Legal 500 2023 (the main independent guide to the best lawyers in the UK).

What are My Rights When Considering Pregnancy and Maternity Leave Discrimination?

Anyone who is considered an ‘employee’ at work in the UK is protected by laws which are intended to safeguard the employee’s interests. 

What is Pregnancy & Maternity Leave Discrimination?

Pregnancy and maternity discrimination might apply to any member of a workforce who has;

  • become pregnant
  • recently adopted
  • recently given birth
  • is on maternity leave
  • has returned from maternity leave

What Are My Rights As A Pregnant Employee?

Employees are afforded extra rights to offer them protection against employers who may discriminate against them. This could be due to the employer’s (often wrongful) perceptions about how pregnancy impacts availability and/or performance. If an employee fits within any of the above categories this can impact their ability to work and change how they are treated by their employer. Some employer react badly to pregnancy or maternity leave and may try to replace or dismiss such employees or reduce their involvement within the business, this action may amount to  discrimination. 

Of course, raising children is incredibly important to parents and family, but it is also important to society as a whole. 

Due to the importance of early childhood development, the UK government allows between 26 and 52 weeks of maternity leave, as well as other legal protections. This right applies from day 1 of starting a job. 

It would be best practice to know and understand how your employment rights when considering whether you have been discriminated against or not. 

What Is Considered Pregnancy or Maternity Leave Discrimination?

If you have experienced any of the the below due to your  pregnancy or maternity, then you ought to speak to David immediately;

  • discriminatory comments
  • mistreatment generally
  • lack of promotion/demotion
  • redundancy during pregnancy or during or shortly after returning from maternity
  • performance management/PIP
  • dismissal or attempts to force your exit
  • demotion or reduced allocation of work
  • reduction in bonus payments
  • treating maternity as a disability or sickness

Contact David Greenhalgh to discuss your options if you have been mistreated due to your pregnancy or in relation to your maternity leave by contacting him today. Call on 0203 603 2177 or Click To Make A Free Online Enquiry.

What Are My Options If I’m Unsure? 

Speaking with a legal professional is the best way to find out if you have legally been discriminated against. 

David has helped numerous employees fight back when they have not had the strength to do so themselves.  David aims to take the stress away from the client by him dealing with the offending employer to obtain an offer of suitable exit terms as swiftly as possible, usually under a settlement agreement.

Maternity Leave Discrimination

Employers will often try and exit employees during their maternity leave or following their return from such leave.  In these circumstances it is important to understand whether you employer is legally entitled to do so. 

What is Considered Maternity Leave Discrimination? 

The types of discrimination which David sees regularly facing his clients who are on maternity leave are;

  • discriminatory comments
  • being replaced whilst on leave/by maternity cover
  • not being considered for promotion/new roles
  • being chosen for redundancy or restructuring/re-organisation
  • unfair scoring for redundancy due to maternity absence
  • dismissal or attempts to force exit
  • demotion
  • reduced allocation of work/sidelining
  • reduction in bonus payments

David advised clients on their potential claims and their value.  He also gives expert tactical advice on how best to secure acceptable exit terms from the employer.

For an initial discussion or immediate assistance with your pregnancy/maternity issue, please call David now on 0203 603 2177 or Click To Make A Free Online Enquiry.

Taking Action Against Pregnancy Or Maternity Discrimination With David Greenhalgh

Taking action immediately is clearly important if you have lost your job, or if you have been put into a negative position due to pregnancy or maternity leave. If you feel your employer has acted unfairly towards you, then reach out to David Greenhalgh today. 

David is a pregnancy and maternity discrimination lawyer based in the heart of London. He has over 27 years of helping  employees and senior executives find their way through pregnancy and maternity leave discrimination. 

If you think that you are in need of legal guidance, please call David now on 0203 603 2177 or Click To Make A Free Online Enquiry.