David supports senior executives who have been discriminated against in the workplace in relation to one or a number of the following:-
Discrimination is in general terms, where an employee suffers unfavourable treatment due to one of the above characteristics.
Where an employer follows an approach/approach/practice which puts employees of one of the above groups at a particular disadvantage this amount to discrimination unless the employer can justify the approach.
Bullying, where a manager treats all reports equally as bad, may not amount to discrimination but may undermine the employment relationship and support a claim for constructive unfair dismissal.
Harassment is different from bullying and is a type of discrimination where the employee experiences unwanted conduct in the workplace that creates an intimidating, hostile, derogatory, humiliating or offensive environment for that employee. Harassment can arise in a number of way including office banter, unwanted approaches, teasing and being excluded.
Because David also advised employers on defending discrimination allegations and claims he knows how best for an employee to approach the employer with a view to securing exit terms.
If you are a senior executive and believe that you may have been discriminated against in the workplace, please call David to discuss on 0203 603 2177 or Click To Make A Free Online Enquiry.
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