Unfair Dismissal Solicitors

Working out whether you have a claim for unfair dismissal is complex.

If you have over 2 years employment you can only be dismissed if your employer has a fair reason to do so and if follows a proper process.

David is highly experienced in assessing whether a tribunal would be likely to find a dismissal unfair and if so what compensation might be awarded.

Where the employer has acted in a way which has undermined the employment relationship you may be able to resign and claim constructive unfair dismissal (although you resign in law the employer is treated as having dismissed you.  You should not resign until you have received specialist employment advice.

Once you are clear on the strength of any claim you may have David can also give you his tactical advice on how to get the best possible settlement terms.

To discuss whether you have a claim for unfair or constructive unfair dismissal or how you can use the threat of the same to try and leverage exit terms please call David 0203 603 2177 or Click To Make A Free Online Enquiry.

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